Mastère International Program
- Ville : Paris (Ile de France)
- Ecole : EIML - Ecole Internationale de Marketing du Luxe de Paris
- Filière : Commercial - Marketing
This program is dedicated to international students and french students with a high level of English who want to study luxury marketing in Paris, London and Shanghai, three capitals of the luxury industry. The 5 years program is totally taught in English and the last two years (4th and 5th year) can be done in a co op program in partnership with French luxury companies, so that, the tuitions fees are paid by the companies and the students are paid.
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Utilisez les forums pour trouver un(e) : Formation - Alternance - Stage - Emploi
- Pour votre recherche de formation spécialisée à bac+5
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- Poursuite d'études après un Bac+3 en management – commercial – gestion sur Paris
Utilisez les forums pour trouver un(e) : Formation - Alternance - Stage - Emploi